CPU Benchmarks

CPU ID [10] :: CPU Details: Raspberry Pi2 Model B - ARMv7 Broadcom BCM2836

TrueBench - a benchmarking tool for product architects, OEM product manufacturers, CEOs/CTOs to evaluate a specific hardware platform (such as a CPU/SoC) for design and manufacture of a commercial product.

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TrueBench CPU Benchmark score (lesser µ secs is better)
Intel Pentium E2220
Raspberry Pi2 Model B (ARMv7 Broadcom BCM2836)

Processing Cores4 [4 Threads]
Frequency900 MHz - 32bit
Cache8–64 KB/8–64 KB L1 cache, ~1 MB L2 cache, No L3 cache
CPU TypeMobile compute, MiniPC, Network Appliance, IoT
HW InstalledRaspberry Pi 2 Model B
Links/Specs/DatasheetRaspberry Pi 2 Model B - Broadcom BCM2836

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